Science-Astronomy Projects
Check out the following list of possible astronomy projects. The links are to websites relating to that particular subject that can be used as a starting point for research as they are not comprehensive resources by themselves. Feel free to contact us fo further assistance or scheduling scope-time.
Example works
Read research projects abstracts, conducted by students, via our remote telescope, using the Astro-EDU-Network:
1. Asteroid photometry, modeling and tracking
2. Binary stars photometry & 3D modeling [PDF]
Astronomy Projects
Observing the night sky
- Develop familiarity with simple observational skills. Keeping a log.
- Learn about rotation of the sky and why it occurs; axis of earth, zenith, meridian; how to measure distances using fist, hand, & fingers to estimate degrees; location of several major constellations. Podcast on the subject of Celestial Navigation.
- The magnitude system, estimating magnitudes, interpolation
- Lunar feature map/Crater counting/Relative ages of surfaces
- Right Ascension and Declination
- Constellations and star names
- Historical myths and legends of constellations and star names
- Ancient astronomical observations, observatories, role in society
- Motion of the earth/sun/moon
- Motion of the planets
- Observing Saturn
- Motion of the stars in the solar neighborhood and local galactic disk
- Tracking/Counting sunspots
- Astrophotography - Planetary, Lunar, Solar, Stellar, Deep sky
- Solar spectroscopy (spectrohelioscope)
- Stellar Spectroscopy & What we can learn about stars, more links
- Variable Stars, types/classifications
- Novae
- Variable Star observing, O-C curves, light curves, folded phase curves
- Plot HR Diagrams for star fields, , globular clusters
- Polarization
- Atmospheric phenomenon (effects of light in the Earth's atmosphere)
- Charts, maps, tables, catalogs
- Celestial Navigation & another link
- Use of compass, sextant, , gnomon
- Fundamental measurable properties of remote objects
- Measuring physical properties of remote objects
- Observing lunar librations and apparent diameter & YouTube video
- Proper motion of the planets, computing orbital elements & wikipedia article
- Tracking the sun: the analemma
- Distance to moon/planets via parallax
- Motion of nearby stars relative to back ground stars - computing distance from stellar parallax
- Star Counts as a function of galactic latitude and longitude
- Comet hunting
- Supernova hunting
- Near-Earth objects, , mapping, discovering
- Asteroid light curves
- Occultations (lunar, planetary)
- Planetary Observations: Monitoring the changing atmospheric conditions on Jupiter and Saturn
- Planetary Observations: Monitoring climate changes on Mars during oppositions
- Planetary Observations: Survey the atmosphere of Venus in quest of unusual spots
- Calculations of time hour-angles, programming calculations
- Telescope design, construction, principles
- How to determine true North and why this is important for telescopes: a daytime project.
- Learn to use Google Sky
- Using a Map at the Telescope
- Using a Planisphere
- Algol, eclipsing variable star with close-by star so close they seem at times to touch.
- Easily studied variable stars
- Andromeda galaxy
- Research a NASA mission, and report
- Nova Search: Discover flaring novae in nearby galaxies by “blinking” images of portions of Andromeda taken at different times
- Open Clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy: Study the properties of various star clusters in our galaxy, like the Pleiades.
- Spectroscopy of Giant and Supergiant Variable Stars
- AGN Spectroscopy: Uncover the mysteries of distant galaxies!
- Solar Magnetic Fields: Study how magnetic fields create features on the solar surface
- Detection and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets
- Hydrodynamical Simulations
Start exploring the universe, via:
The Astro-EDU-Network
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השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבתבכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים אוריון הציד (Orion), זוהי קבוצה האופיינית לשמי החורף
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המרחק לכוכבים -
קשה מאוד למדוד את המרחק לכוכבים. הקושי נובע מכך שמרחק זה גדול כל-כך (כך ששיטות כגון פרלקסה אינן מדויקות דיין) וגם בגלל שגודלם הזוויתי של הכוכבים קטן ביותר מכדה"א.להרחבה : מרחקים וגדלים ביקום – מסע במערכת השמש, סדרי גודל בחלל
קרא עוד