מצפה הכוכבים ברקת - קוד מצפה רשמי Bareket observatory IAU B35

Venus transit webcast [Live, free] - 6 June 2012


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Free Live Venus-transit Webcast from Bareket Observatory
2012 June 6th

The Bareket observatory team thank to all the viewers who joined us during the live event.
Venus transit 2012 image gallery - is now available on the site. 

Archive movie:
{youtube width="640" height="480"}sxR5x5kdYWA?hd=1{/youtube}


(Article's Hebrew version - press here)

A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the Venus transit on June 6, 2012.

This relatively rare 'mini solar eclipse' -- meaning Venus will pass through the center of Earth's-Sun plane -- promises to be a truely unique astronomical event.  A similar eclipse (transit) will not occur until 2117. This should be one of the most spectacular Venus transits in the last years!

This special webcast took place from 02.33 - 04.56 UTC (GMT) June 6  - (05.33 - 07.56 Israel local time) click on the link for your local time.

* Live Venus transit page (you'll be automatically transfered to the live images, during the event):
Image: Venus transit at 2004. Imaged at the Bareket observatory.

Try your luck in real hands on Venus transit experiements!

Bareket Observatory's website will also feature a section on experiments and activities related to the Venus transit, giving viewers a chance to conduct their own science projects using the live transit feed.

Educational institutions and individuals will be able to conduct real-time astronomy projects while interacting with others from around the world.

We invite you to send us your own translations for the hands on activities related to the Venus transit experiements.

Use the upper-left translation module on the observatoy's site in order to translate the materials to your language, and send us your final tweaks for posting on-line!

Participants are invited to share the results of their projects via their Facebook account at the live event web page.

Movie: The archive feed from the observatory's Live Solar eclipse webcast
{youtube width="640" height="480"}cHtqSFIBiJ4?hd=1{/youtube}


- Watch the video of a recent Bareket Observatory program on the
'NASA Deep Space webcast'

- Watch more free astronomical webcasts

- We are pleased to announce the full operation of the Astro-Edu network, a free state-of-the-art astronomy education database for teachers, students and the general public.  Among the goals of AStro-Edu is increased communication and understanding within the population of the Middle East using astronomy as the catalyst. Astro-Edu net can be translated to more than 60 different languages using the integrated translation module (move your cursor over the flag in the upper left to translate the materials).  Visit Astro-Edu at http://www.bareket-astro.com/astronet

- Explore the universe - Bareket’s educational remote Internet telescope
Explore the universe - Bareket’s educational Internet telescope


Venus transit provides a great opportunity to enjoy the event both from the visual as well as photographic sides.

The transit can be photographed from your home even with a simple camera, but to see fine details on the solar limb its necessary to use a solar-dedicated telescope .

The Bareket observatory will conduct a live broadcast of the event, providing every person connected to the Internet a chance to watch the Venus transit in an  optimal and easy manners.

During the broadcast the images can be saved on your local PC.

At the end of the event one could use the saved images in order to conduct amazing (and simple) science works!

So you could witness interesting phenomenons, watch them and measure them.

This is a wonderful oppertunity for educational institutions or individual, interested in making cool real time astronomy projects, while bonding with other people from accross the world. The webcast is weather permitted.
Note: Solar observing can be dangerous! Always keep caution measurments when looking toward the sun. Do not look directly at the sun! Wear eclipse-safe filters or use other special equipment to view it safely.

מרחק ערפילית אוריון מאתנו הנו כ-1,344 שנות אור, ערך בהירותה הנראית 4+ מגניטודה השתמשו בפלניספרה - מפת הכוכבים הסובבתבכדי למצוא את קבוצת הכוכבים אוריון הציד (Orion), זוהי קבוצה האופיינית לשמי החורף בצפיה ממקום ללא זיהום אור...
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M42 - ערפילית אוריון
המרחק לכוכבים - קשה מאוד למדוד את המרחק לכוכבים. הקושי נובע מכך שמרחק זה גדול כל-כך (כך ששיטות כגון פרלקסה אינן מדויקות דיין) וגם בגלל שגודלם הזוויתי של הכוכבים קטן ביותר מכדה"א.להרחבה : מרחקים וגדלים ביקום – מסע במערכת השמש, סדרי גודל בחלל קרא עוד